Full Membership
Welcome. You can find all the documents that make up the full membership pack below.
If you have any queries or wish to find out more, you can email us on info@somws.org or complete the contact form below.
Please note that by providing your contact details you are accepting that we will store/use your data specifically and only for the purpose of advising you of any membership activity and the development of the Society. At any time you can unsubscribe by emailing us or calling +44 (0)1920 443816.
As you will see, applying for full membership is an involved process and we would urge you to read the guidelines/qualifications requirements documents carefully. We will do our best to assist you in completing the application process with the support of SOMWS committee members.
Please note that the full membership application fee for one category is £50, for two categories £60, for three categories £70 and for four categories £80. This is a non refundable fee in the event your application for membership is unsuccessful. This fee covers our screening costs including the use of third parties to verify your qualifications/academic degrees held.
If you are successful, the Full Member annual fee for one category is £115, for two categories £125, for three categories £135 and for four categories £145
The easiest way of paying the fee is via PayPal to info@somws.org. If for any reason you cannot pay by PayPal, please email us at the same address, or use the contact form below, and request our bank details so that you can pay electronically. Unfortunately we are unable to take card payments over the phone.
Experience Description Forms
Additional Category Application (for existing SOMWS Members)
Please note that the application fee for one additional category is £10, for two additional categories £20 and for three additional categories is £30. This is a non refundable fee in the event your additional category/ies application/s for membership is/are unsuccessful.
If you are successful in one additional category the extra annual fee is £10, for two additional categories £20 and for three additional categories £30 payable until your existing annual renewal date.